Social and Community Participation

Social and Community Participation support is designed for individuals who wish to expand their social circles, interact with the community and join groups to build friendship networks.

At Serenity 360 Services, we support individuals to access and engage with the community and connect with recreational activities. We offer fantastic options for people to live happy and independent lives with high-quality support. Through this support, our participants dare to try a new hobby, play sport, take a class, hang out with friends, find opportunities to volunteer and much more!

Serenity 360 Services provide support on group centre-based programs or day services and other activities such as swimming, bowling, going to the movies or even just trying a new cafe. Group and Centre Based Activities, including assisting clients to participate in the group-based community, social and recreational activities.

Get in Touch

Our team is supportive, approachable, professional, committed and love what they do, so get in touch today to discuss your support needs.

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